Improve your listening comprehension 10x faster than by watching series

Watching series has its limits

The feeling of improving your comprehension is often fake

Studies show that watching series is not very efficient to improve you listening skills. You often improve more your ability to deduct what's going on based on the words that you already understand than your ability to understand new words and sentences.

Progress are hard to quantify

Since you don't have direct feedback on if you understand well something or not, you don't really know if you are making progress and how much.

It's very time consuming

Watching series takes a lot time. Tom Gauthier, a language teacher, explained that to be able understand 90% of the content he hears in english, he had to spend about 5000 hours watching series, which is a LOT.

That's why we created Slice

An app designed to train your listening comprehension in any language, with content you love.

How it works

Please watch this 3 minutes video

Please watch this 3 minutes video

Why is Slice so efficient ?

Focuses on your weaknesses

Studies show that watching series is not very efficient to improve you listening skills. You often improve more your ability to deduct what's going on based on the words that you already understand than your ability to understand new words and sentences.

Provides a feedback loop systeme

Since you don't have direct feedback on if you understand well something or not, you don't really know if you are making progress and how much.

Ensure effective vocabulary memorisation

Studies show that watching series is not very efficient to improve you listening skills. You often improve more your ability to deduct what's going on based on the words that you already understand than your ability to understand new words and sentences.

Make you learn through content you love

Since you don't have direct feedback on if you understand well something or not, you don't really know if you are making progress and how much.

Try our app for free (no credit card required)

The best way to see how powerfull is Slice is to try it.